Set Up Advanced (and optional) Examples

  1. Edit htmSQL files to point to your Share Server (Chapter 13).

    Setting up a Share server is specific to the version of SAS and your environment. The following provides some basic things to address. Since the use of Share is not an integral part of the Sample Environment you need not worry about getting this part working. If you have local resources to help, you should use them. Otherwise, you can run these examples using the Sample Environment on the web.

    1. Verify that you have licensed and have access to a SAS/SHARE server.

    2. Verify that your SAS/SHARE server specifies authenticate=optional and that the tcpsec macro variable is not set to secure.

    3. Identify the server name and port for your SAS/SHARE server and edit the hsql files downloaded as part of the Web Server Components changing (if necessary) localhost to the DNS name (or IP) of your SAS/SHARE server and 5011 to the port for the SAS/SHARE server.

      Consult the htmSQL query directive syntax at for the syntax for specifying host:port.

    4. Verify that sampdata.htmSQLParameters downloaded as part of the SAS Server Components is available to the SAS/SHARE server.

  2. Define an SMTP Mail Server (Chapter 19)

    Several of the examples return results to the user via email. To do this the SAS Application Server must have access to an SMTP mail server. Check with your administrator as well as searching for SMTP MAIL at for assistance. You may wish to start by adding the following two lines to your SAS config file:

    -emailsys smtp
    -emailhost []

  3. Enable spawning of a separate SAS session (Chapter 19)

    These examples may require changes similar to Step 4 of Update Broker Config to specify the location of the SASUSER library. If you did what is described in step 4b, no other changes should be necessary. If you did what is described in step 4a, you may need to update the SASV9.CFG file to set the SASUSER location and the MYSASFILES system variable to be the value used for the Update Broker Config step.

  4. Download/Install Web Services Application (Chapter 21)

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