Update the Application Broker Configuration File

  1. Update your Application Broker configuration file (e.g., \inetpub\scripts\broker.cfg) to define your Application Server using the Application Broker directives saved in the previous step (Set Up the SAS Application Server). The directives you use to do this should be similar to this text. The text can be placed anywhere in the configuration file.

  2. Reconcile the text shown in the link above with the Application Broker directives saved in the previous step as follows:

    1. ServiceDescription

      This directive is optional, but it is a good idea to provide a meaningful description.

    2. ServiceAdmin

      Replace the value with your name.

    3. ServiceAdminMail

      Replace the value with your e-mail address.

    4. Server     localhost

      As a best practice localhost is used for the server name when you can assume that the SAS Application Servers are running on the same server as the Web server. This facilitates moving the configuration file to other PCs.

    5. Port     2

      The default value is 5, but the sample environment can run with just 1 server. However, 2 are needed for the examples in Section 2.4

    6. MinRun, IdleTimeout, FullDuplex

      Use the values that are provided for these directives.

    7. ServiceLoadManager    localhost:5555

      Specifies the server that the Load Manager is running on, as well as the port on that server. A port value of 5555 is a suggested default, but you can use any available port (it should be the same port that was used when configuring the Load Manager).

    8. SasCommand    [command provided by the configuration utility].

      Use the value provided by the Configuration Utility in the previous step.

    9. The following two directives should be used (they are included in the sample text file above) and are needed for selected examples.

      1. ServiceSet _htmSQL "/scripts/htmSQL.exe"

        Used only for the examples in Chapter 13. Assumes you have SAS/SHARE.

      2. ServiceSet saspressRoot "/IntrNetAppDev"

        Used in a number of the examples. This is one of the parameters to update if you installed the web server sample pages to a different location.

  3. Verify that you can ping your Application Server. If ping works, go to the next step: SAS Server Components.

  4. Otherwise, if ping times out, the problem is likely due to Load Manager not being able to start a new SAS session. First, check the value for the SasCommand directive. If the value looks correct (noting that you must use \\ instead of \ - as discussed in Section 3.2), the problem is likely due to security or permissions for the default SASUSER directory. Either Option a or Option b below can be used to address this (a is more robust but is harder to verify, while b is simpler but can cause interactive SAS sessions you start to not have write access to your profile).

    1. add a sasuser option to your SasCommand directive, e.g., change:

      SasCommand "\"C:\\Program Files\\SAS\\SAS 9.1\\sas.exe\" +
      \"C:\\Program Files\\SAS\\IntrNet\\appdisp\\appstart.sas\" +
      -rsasuser -noterminal -nolog -SYSPARM "

      to (change is shown in red italics):

      SasCommand "\"C:\\Program Files\\SAS\\SAS 9.1\\sas.exe\" +
      \"C:\\Program Files\\SAS\\IntrNet\\appdisp\\appstart.sas\" +
      -sasuser \"[path to a library for your Application Server SASUSER]\" +
      -rsasuser -noterminal -nolog -SYSPARM "

      Make sure to create [path to a library for your Application Server SASUSER] folder and then use \\ instead of \ when defining the path in the SasCommand directive.

    2. Change the Load Manager Service to use your account rather than a system account. You can do this by clicking on the Windows Start button and selecting Control Panel ==> Administrative Tools ==> Services, then right click on SAS IntrNet Load Manager ==> Properties ==> Log On tab, then change it from a system account to This Account using your id and password. Return to the service window (click OK and right click on SAS IntrNet Load Manager ==> Restart.

    3. If neither of these works (i.e., Ping still times out), a possible (but unlikely) cause is that you either have no hosts file (e.g., in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc) or that the hosts file does not have an entry for localhost, e.g.,      localhost

    4. If the problem persists check SAS Technical Support Document TS-762. If those suggestions do not resolve the problem, please contact SAS Technical Support.